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Cancel the Subscription

How many subscriptions have you forgotten to unsubscribe to? Do you only remember to unsubscribe after you notice the draft in your bank account? What about all of the junk emails we get and we fail to unsubscribe. I’m just saying, our inboxes and bank account shows we are just too busy to save money or maintain our sanity.

I heard a lady say, “unsubscribe from the things that no longer serve you.” Read the line again slowly, “unsubscribe to the things, ideas, thoughts, feelings that no longer serve you.” Allow this to rest in your spirit as we embark on the halfway mark of this year.

What have you failed to acknowledge that drains you and doesn’t serve you? The Bible has given us a good perspective on the benefits of unsubscribing. Hebrews 12-1-2; tells us “stripping off every unnecessary weight and the sin which so easily and cleverly entangles us, let us run with endurance and active persistence the race that is set before us, [looking away from all that will distract us and] focusing our eyes on Jesus,”.

When we fail to unsubscribe (stripping off) to the unnecessary weight (things, ideas, thoughts, feelings) that no longer serve us and the sin - which cleverly (in an intelligent, original, or skillful way) entangles (causes us to become twisted together with or caught in) we can’t run the race before us because we are distracted.

Take the time this month to evaluate where you are mentally and spirituality. Ask yourself, is what I’m doing, thinking, feeling, or not---serving me and my purpose? Let go of the things that so easily separates you from being focused on Jesus and your race (God’s purpose). Unsubscribe to the spiritual/mental junk that’s clogging up your spirit and mind. The second part of our scripture focus says, “[looking away from all that will distract us and] focusing our eyes on Jesus, who is the Author and Perfecter of faith [the first incentive for our belief and the One who brings our faith to maturity], who for the joy [of accomplishing the goal] set before Him endured the cross, disregarding the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God [revealing His deity, His authority, and the completion of His work].”Hebrews 12:2 AMP


Father, I know I’m not reading this message by coincidence today. Forgive me for those things, ideas, feelings, and thoughts that I’ve held on to when you have told me to unsubscribe (strip them off). Thank you for reminding me today, as I unsubscribe, help me to move into the next six months with clarity in mind and spirit. Empower me with the ability to not be distracted but to be focused on running my race intentionally on purpose. In Jesus, the Christ name I decree I will align myself with thee. Amen.

Register for the next LAKM - Virtual Get-Together

Save the Dates: (all events start at 10 am Est)

· June 11- Health is Wealth Pt. 3 – Building Generational Financial Wealth Register

Community Events

June 18 - Kingdom Community International host The 5 Surrogates of Jesus Woman’s Gathering Register

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Jan 02, 2023

I’m scrolling through the blogs and see that I missed a few post. This would be a great repost for this time of year. I have been going through social media, emails and contacts unsubscribing and deleting. We have to decide to clear the clutter to be able to see with our spiritual eyes. As my big sister Marshawn Evans Daniels says the point of disruption is to 1. unlearn 2.unload 3.undo. Let’s remove the people, places and things that are distracting us from the advancement of the Kingdom of God.

Thanks for sharing your time and voice. We love you ❤️⚔️⚔️🙏🏽💎💎


Bonnie Harley
Bonnie Harley
May 29, 2022

What things have you left on read because weren’t ready to deal with? How will you feel after you unsubscribe?

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